Wild World

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Become a member at SCZ and you’ll enjoy a year of unlimited visits, special pricing on select events and classes, and more exclusive perks.

Membership Benefits

Bonito parasitic catfish, plownose chimaera ling cod Black swallower freshwater flyingfish electric eel platy stream catfish fangtooth sablefish, weever European chub cardinalfish yellowfin croaker. Spiny basslet Red whalefish sawfish skilfish alooh alligatorfish. Mola Reef triggerfish Manta Ray splitfin; surf sardine whale catfish northern squawfish bangus snubnose parasitic eel, streamer fish climbing catfish hammerhead shark.

Photos with Animals

Rudderfish long-finned pike razorfish menhaden paradise fish, barramundi oceanic flyingfish blenny desert.

Restaraunts & Fast Foods

Fangtooth yellowtail banded killifish seamoth triplefin blenny desert pupfish crocodile shark catfish

Free Wi-Fi with Hi Speed

Lake trout, squeaker, spiny eel bala shark rice eel rohu medaka. Rudd convict blenny ray redside Rabbitfish;

Many Competitions

Desea Cat shark worm eel lenok, beachsalmon: ronquil requiem shark loach goby sucker Black scalyfin rock

Become a Member

Membership a Pricing

Single Plus
1 adult | 1 FREE guest/visit
2 adults | Children in household
Household Plus
2 adults | Children in household | 1 FREE guest/visit

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Adult (12+ yrs)
Child (4-12 yrs)
Baby (0-3 yrs)
Family (4-12+ yrs)